Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ingrown hairs from waxing........

So a couple of weeks ago I waxed my legs and now that the hair is growing back I have a lot of ingrown hairs. I exfoliate and put lotion on every single day and I thought that was supposed to help prevent this from happening. What can I do to stop this from happening the next time and what should I do about the ones I have now? And are there any good products that actually work for ingrown hairs?Ingrown hairs from waxing........
I think some people are just really prone to getting them. You could try Bikini Zone...I have never actually used it on legs but it works quite well for the bikini area and skin is skin so I don't see why it wouldn't work. Don't squeeze them, then you'll have icky red marks then a scab, not very sexy. I use Epsom salt and a tiny bit of hot water after a hot bath to exfoliate my legs I find it works better than regular body scrub. Other that that I don't know what to suggest because you seem to be doing everything right.xoIngrown hairs from waxing........
i don't know how to prevent them but i know when you have ingrowing hairs leave it as it will b sore and red .. after a few days it will turn into a spot sometimes you cn squeeze the puss out .. soon it will turn into a scab pick the scab then the hair will pop out.

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