Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hair gel/wax/hair product question?

I've been using gel for years, but I've realized that it doesn't hold the way I want it to. Does anyone have any suggestions of different hair products to use, such as gel, wax, pomade, etc. Preferred if you include the name of the brand you recommend. I am aiming for a messy look, just slightly shiny to a barely-wet look, maybe even dry, but NOT slick or wet. It must also have STRONG hold and not be insanely stiff. A natural look, I guess. A product that does all of this seems impossible to me, but answer the best you can please.Hair gel/wax/hair product question?
I know my boyfriend uses garnier fructis and its a gel and its looks natural but hot, and it takes him less than 2 seconds after a shower, and holds for pretty much the whole day...Hair gel/wax/hair product question?
Different gels have different holding strengths, maybe try experimenting with a new brand. If you've been using the same brand for a long time, your hair can get used to it and may not respond as well. Or you can try a wax which will give you a ';bedhead'; look, messy and piecey, but not wet looking.

I would hesitate to give you brands because I don't know your budget. Ask your stylist or check out brands at your store. Also, they sometimes have a lot of perfume in my experience. I gave up and went back to a spritz for my short spikey 'do.
spritz also know as pump it up
Redken Water Wax holds well and doesn't look wet, but it doesn't look dry and certainly doesn't flake. It's remoldable if it gets ';bent'; out of shape.

I think I paid about $15 for the container.

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