Thursday, August 5, 2010

How long does hair have to be to wax? and what kind of at home wax is best?

I've heard between 1/4-1/2 inch, but how long does that take most people (how many days) and what kind do you use? like brand wise or like hot wax, strips, roll on.....???How long does hair have to be to wax? and what kind of at home wax is best?
1/4 - 1/2 is correct - It usually takes about 2-3 weeks for leg hair. Nads is about the best brand I've encountered (you can get it at most grocery stores). if you have never waxed before, than i recommend that you have it done professionally the first time. Your local nail salon will sufficeHow long does hair have to be to wax? and what kind of at home wax is best?
about 5 days growth should be ok for waxing
i used Sally Hensen all over body wax..on the safe side go for a'll notice when the hair is ready to be waxed!
if you go to Walgreen's and buy ZIP (hair remover). thats what i use and i got the product off of Oprah and Rachel Ray so it must work well it does for me...

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